Daily Step – Have you ever experienced spiritual desolation?
Have you ever experienced spiritual desolation? No it’s not the same as depression, though some of the physical feelings can be similar. Instead, it’s a feeling...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Have you ever experienced spiritual desolation? No it’s not the same as depression, though some of the physical feelings can be similar. Instead, it’s a feeling...
Do you believe the journey from here to heaven is meant to be difficult? Or life-giving? Last summer, I started the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius....
Are you battling conflicting emotions right now? like grief AND joy? heartache AND love?brokenness AND healing? It seems right now so many, myself included, are battling conflicting emotions…...
Last night I was up way too late scrolling for updates in the various news stories of the day. Once I did fall asleep, all I...
I don’t have any concrete thoughts on anything going on at the moment, external or internal to my little piece of this great big world. And...
Are you currently chasing “it”? I think there is a longing inside all of us to chase after “it” – the greatest talent, the most perfect...
Is anyone else looking for their patience lately? I definitely am. So I channeled that feeling into this crazy poem… hope it brings a smile or...
Do you battle the endless desire to improve yourself, your way of proceeding, your way of being in the world? I know I do. And, of...
“What brings you joy? What are you really good at? What do the people around you really need?” A friend of mine, Fr. Quang Tran, SJ...
How are you entering the world today? This is a question I think I should ask myself a bit more often in the morning. Because when...