Do you ever feel just a bit… ordinary?
Do you desire to DO something great but don’t know exactly what it is just yet?
Do you desire to BE something great but don’t quite feel capable of the great right now?
I read a lot of motivational posts that come past my scrolling fingers encouraging others to believe in their ability to be extraordinary… posts that give tips and tricks for getting started on the next best thing.
But maybe the first step, at least for me, is to sit with the “ordinary” feeling for a bit.
So, are you feeling a bit ordinary today?
If so, this poem may just be for you.

I just thought
You should know:
I desperately want
to DO something
… great.
I just thought
You should know:
I desperately want
to BE something
… great.
But here I sit
feeling nothing
more than
just a bit
… ordinary.
I guess, maybe,
there’s nothing
wrong with
feeling like
… this.
I guess, maybe,
It’s okay
to let
the dream go
for a bit
and just be
… me.
I mean
ordinary people
have done
extraordinary things
simply being
… themselves.
So, I guess,
I’m asking, Lord,
for a little
… help.
Help me to see
my simply
ordinary self
as something
… great.
Help me believe
that You wouldn’t
waste time
on that which
will simply remain
just a little
… ok.
Help me believe
that You wouldn’t
waste Your time
on something that
couldn’t move,
one day,
from simply ordinary
to extraordinary
with a little grit
and a whole lotta
… grace.
Oh Lord,
help me
to see myself
as You see me
through your
absolutely incredible
… eyes.
©2022, Gretchen Crowder