Daily Step – Prayer is simply a doorway.
It isn’t a contest. Not really. I don’t have to work so hard at it. The words don’t have to be perfect.The grammar impeccable.The penmanship flowing...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
It isn’t a contest. Not really. I don’t have to work so hard at it. The words don’t have to be perfect.The grammar impeccable.The penmanship flowing...
When was the last time you said aloud or internally: “Who am I to tell this story? I’m no expert. Surely there are people wiser than...
Look around you right now. What do you see? At first glance, I see around me a room that is in desperate need of cleaning. I’ve...
What do you love? Notice I didn’t ask who. That is a question for another time. But what do you love? If you want, you could...
You are loved. Did you know that? Every second of every day. No. Matter. What. Even when you feel like a giant irreparable mess. Even when...
Faith, hope, and love… Three virtues intertwined. I love this quote by poet Rainer Maria Rilke that reminds me I am loved. It reminds me I...
Lately, I am struck by a desire to see and understand the whole person when I encounter an inspirational figure, a saint, or a holy person. Much...
It’s All Saints Day in the Catholic Church. This day marks the beginning of a month dedicated to remembering loved ones and role models and inspiring...
Yesterday, I finished the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. I guess one never really “finishes” them. The Exercises are a lifelong journey. At any one point...
It’s Monday morning and I am staring down at a to-do list a mile long. And it’s making me a bit anxious. I’m worried about so...