Daily Step – The labels we did not choose…
What do we do with the labels we did not choose? Today I’m over at IgnatianSpirituality.com talking about the first time I put on the bracelet...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
What do we do with the labels we did not choose? Today I’m over at IgnatianSpirituality.com talking about the first time I put on the bracelet...
What grace(s) do you need right now? What are those gifts that you desperately need from God as you enter the week ahead? Do you know...
Today I’m sharing the story of my 2022 word (journey) and my 2023 word (hope) over at Ignatian Spirituality’s blog. Here’s an excerpt: “Unlike the words...
In the course of your daily experiences, do you feel God come close? When? How? I came across this quote in an old daily reflection written...
Are you a worrier? Or am I alone in this perpetual habit? My tendency to worry gets more all-encompassing when I am facing a change in...
Do you ever think that you’d be willing to go ALL IN to whatever God is calling you too… if you only knew what IT was?...
Have you ever experienced spiritual desolation? No it’s not the same as depression, though some of the physical feelings can be similar. Instead, it’s a feeling...
Do you believe the journey from here to heaven is meant to be difficult? Or life-giving? Last summer, I started the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius....
Do you battle the endless desire to improve yourself, your way of proceeding, your way of being in the world? I know I do. And, of...
“What brings you joy? What are you really good at? What do the people around you really need?” A friend of mine, Fr. Quang Tran, SJ...