Daily Step – It’s okay to be emotional.
“It’s okay to be emotional.” These were words spoken to me last week. I was having a moment when I was trying really hard to keep...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
“It’s okay to be emotional.” These were words spoken to me last week. I was having a moment when I was trying really hard to keep...
This week I entered the third week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It’s the part of the Exercises where the retreatant is supposed to...
I came across these words yesterday in a poem by Mary Oliver and they stuck with me. “I am so distant from the hope of myself,in...
It was pouring rain when I left work yesterday. I was soaked because I didn’t check the weather before going into work. Sans umbrella, I ran...
Here comes the sun. I used this song by the Beatles in a retreat talk many years ago. During the talk, I spoke about the moment...
I need a fourth and walnut moment right about now. A reminder of the sun shining forth from all of us. If you’ve never heard this...
“Hello, sun in my face. Hello, you who made the morning.” I love this poem by Mary Oliver mostly because it pushes me to change my...
I’m afraid of heights. Well really, I am afraid of falling. I don’t like that feeling one bit. We all have things we are afraid of…....
I love mornings. It took years for me to understand that I was at my best if I went to bed early and woke up early....
Who else needs this prayer today? I definitely do. I’m a little overwhelmed right now. Are you? I think it’s coloring how I react to everything....