Daily Step – What will help you find your feet this holiday?
This weekend I bought a 7 ft Christmas tree. Our first couple years of marriage when we only had one child, I insisted all we needed...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
This weekend I bought a 7 ft Christmas tree. Our first couple years of marriage when we only had one child, I insisted all we needed...
I am grateful for hooded pjs from Target. It seems appropriate that this be a week where I start with gratitude each morning. That’s kind of...
This Sunday’s reading is the one with the sheep and the goats. You know the one. The one where God places the sheep on the right...
I just realized this morning with the exception of 3 days during shelter-in-place, I have been writing daily reflections six days a week for over a...
“Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the show!” These words came from one of my twins’ mouths as we started our drive to school this morning....
I read this prayer called “God bless the world” this morning and I felt compelled to add my own blessing intentions to it. Things that are...
It’s that time of year when rest is just over the horizon… but we aren’t there yet. The stress of the semester from the perspective of...
“Mine isn’t like his so I’m throwing it away!” Currently my twins love taking pieces of paper and stapling them together every morning in my office....
“But the man who received one [talent] went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried his master’s money.” (MT 25:18) On Friday, I...
“That’s it. This eraser puzzle is broken. Throw it away. I’m finished with it!” These slightly angry words came at me from the backseat on the...