Daily Step – Why are we so quick to explain away feelings?
Why are we so quick to explain away feelings? Yesterday, one of my sons was trying to explain to me a bad moment of his day...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Why are we so quick to explain away feelings? Yesterday, one of my sons was trying to explain to me a bad moment of his day...
I decided recently to do the Spiritual Exercises again. Confession: Despite my job largely involving them, I’ve never done them all the way in one sitting....
“Mom, do you know what “permanent” means?” This was the conversation this morning on the way to school. Two excited boys got $$ under their pillows...
Oh to be amazed… It’s Monday of Holy Week. To be honest, as a kid and maybe even a little as an adult, I viewed Lent...
Palm Sunday snuck up on me this year. Did it sneak up on you? I’m surprised since I’ve been walking through the daily readings posting faculty/staff...
Do you have irrational worries or fears that get the best of you sometimes? Today’s example is brought to you by a tiny mosquito in a...
Rain is my least favorite weather condition. I didn’t realize it was still raining this morning (it rained last night) when I started the car and...
The tooth fairy fell off her game last night. This morning when I woke up the twins, I was surprised by one twin running (instead of...
It’s gonna be a good day. It’s gonna be a good day. It’s gonna be a good day. Last night as I put my oldest to...
Last night my boys had a campout with dad in the backyard. No, I didn’t sleep out there myself (hi, have we met?) but I did...