Daily Step – Have you ever tried to write a poem?
Have you ever tried to write a poem? I don’t think I have since I was in high school English. Because of that, I don’t exactly...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Have you ever tried to write a poem? I don’t think I have since I was in high school English. Because of that, I don’t exactly...
I like the permission this quote by Anne Lamott gives for our human response to faith in the midst. I often long for certainty. Do you?...
Have you ever had that moment? That moment when you reveal something about yourself, your story, or even how you are feeling and you hear someone...
Do you wish you could snap your fingers and everything would fall in line? That grace would come… almost instantly… and right everything that has been...
What answers are you seeking right now? What did you demand God tell you before your feet hit the floor and your day began? Maybe something...
How often does the ordinary kill you with delight? How often are you struck by the simple beauty surrounding you? Are you able to see everything...
Are you discerning something right now? Are you trying to figure out the next step for something in your life? Your work? Your vocation? Is this...
Yesterday started the season of Lent for many Christians around the world. In preparation for Lent, some students helped make wooden stations of the cross that...
Are you filled with answers right now? Or lots and lots of questions? Do you think one is a better state to be in than the...
Do you have a moment to pause? To breathe in.Then out.Then in again. A mindful moment to slow yourself down before you jump right into the...