New years are about change, aren’t they?
So have you changed yet?
Are you working on change?

Oh the pressure the month of January can bring! It’s like someone is holding our feet to the fire saying “only 359 days left!”
Truth be told, change is not a quick process… not real change anyway. It takes years. It takes many successes and many disappointments. It takes many risks and many opportunities.
It takes a lot of letting go.
It takes a lot of letting go in order to see what else could be true about this life and the people you are living it with.
It takes a lot of letting go in order to see what unexpected beauty is possible.
I feel like a thousand different things have changed me over the years – successes, failures, mistakes, spirituality, nature, education, people…
But the thing that changed me the most?
Raising my three boys.
Over Christmas, we continued the process of evaluating the twins for learning differences and ADHD. Watching them go through this testing and see how they are beginning to advocate for themselves and what they need has once again changed me.
The more I learn about ADHD and learning differences the more I am struck by how God truly does create each of us uniquely.
The more I learn about ADHD and learning differences the more I am struck by how often I have failed to notice, account for, or understand the implications of them.
The more I learn about ADHD and learning differences the more I am struck by how much insanely intelligent people can be overlooked if we don’t recognize these differences exist, don’t speak about them without shame, and don’t accommodate for them.
Change takes time.
But it has to start somewhere, doesn’t it?
The call to change often takes root in us somewhere along time line, and like Mary Oliver offers… we have a choice to move forward with it (no matter how slow the progress) or stay still.
Which will you choose?