Can I choose to be happy?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Can I choose joy?

Henri Nouwen says I can. He says:
“Joy is not the same as happiness. We can be unhappy about many things, but joy can still be there because it comes from the knowledge of God’s love for us. . . “
Joy comes from the knowledge of God’s love for us.
So, do I know that God loves me?
This is the question I think I should ask myself daily. What would the day be like if the first thing I asked myself when I opened my eyes was: “Do you know God loves you right now?”
What would the day be like if I could open my eyes to the knowledge of a love that never disappoints?
What would the day be like if I could START by acknowledging this great love that is there for me even if I mess up or I forget something or I lose something (again) or I’m short with myself or others?
What could today be like if I acknowledged that love right now?
What could it be like for you?
Today is a hectic day in the Crowder household. I mean, it is for a lot of households I’m sure, but I feel like we kinda struggle a bit (maybe a lot) when the weekday schedule is different.
Tonight my twins will get to be in their first school Christmas play. They are so incredibly excited. Note the smile on this one’s face.

Despite their joy, I acknowledge my tendencies in moments like this…
My tendency is to stress about the timing, the seating, the crowds, the later bedtime…
My tendency is to wonder if I should have bought a backup pair of black pants because there is no way the ones they are wearing will last til 6:00PM.
My tendency is not to sit at ease with the joy of their excitement instead and let it seep into me.
But what if choosing joy meant what Henri Nouwen says it does?
What if it meant I simply had to remind myself that despite all the things that might go right or wrong today – God loves me just the same.
God did before I woke up and will long after I rest my head on my pillow tonight.
And how can knowing that not bring me to joy?
So will you (will I) choose joy today?