Daily Step – You. Are. Loved.
Do you believe that you are loved? Do you believe that you are loved even if you mess up? forget things? struggle? fail? I believe that...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Do you believe that you are loved? Do you believe that you are loved even if you mess up? forget things? struggle? fail? I believe that...
How often do you long to hear God’s voice ring clear above all the noise surrounding you? How often do you wish to hear God’s love,...
How often do we put our “judgy” voice on when talking or thinking about others’ actions? How often do we put our “judgy” voice on when...
Are you in love with your life? Part of it or even all of it? Your work, your hobbies, your volunteering, your adulting… Do you wake...
What questions are you asking yourself today? What’s nagging at you as I you go through your daily routines? Maybe some simple questions like: Did I...
What do you love? Notice I didn’t ask who. That is a question for another time. But what do you love? If you want, you could...
You are loved. Did you know that? Every second of every day. No. Matter. What. Even when you feel like a giant irreparable mess. Even when...
I don’t know who needs to hear this today but… You. Are. Light. That’s it. No because or if needed. In God’s eyes, YOU ARE LIGHT....
Love gives worth to all things… Even a torn up, ratty blanket. Ever since my oldest was two, he has held on tight to a blanket...
Love is the solution. The only solution. According to Dorothy Day. Wise lady! (She’s inching closer to sainthood as we speak, by the way) But oh...