Daily Step – The Grace of Perseverance
Today I am over at Ignatian Ministries’ Into the Deep Blog writing about the challenges of persisting and the grace God always seems to offer us...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Today I am over at Ignatian Ministries’ Into the Deep Blog writing about the challenges of persisting and the grace God always seems to offer us...
I’ll admit it. Psalm 139 makes me nervous. I know it’s beautiful. I know it means God loves me. But it also means God sees… me. Everything...
“I have the tendency to focus on challenges over graces. When a problem arises in my day, it can become the only thing about which I can...
I found this prayer by Henri Nouwen yesterday… and it hit so close to home for me. As I paired the puppeteer’s hand with the prayer,...
Are you a worrier? Or am I alone in this perpetual habit? My tendency to worry gets more all-encompassing when I am facing a change in...
Are you a patient person? I am not. I won’t even try to pretend I am. I like things to begin and end on time.I also...
What do you do when you fail? Do you get frustrated? Do you give up? Or do you try again? I definitely get frustrated when I...
Do you ever try to fix things that can’t be fixed? Or maybe this is the better question… Do you ever try to fix things that...
Do you ever wonder if God judges the quality of your prayer? I’m a grade-oriented person, so sometimes I think grades on a whole bunch of...
How do you best speak to God?Is there a particular prayer you use?A particular place you go? Currently, my go-to place to speak to God is...