Daily Step – What about when God says yes?
Have you ever asked God to open a door?… begged God even? Have you ever prayed something like: “God, if you just open a new door...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Have you ever asked God to open a door?… begged God even? Have you ever prayed something like: “God, if you just open a new door...
How do you react when something known, something comfortable, something that brought you joy… suddenly changes? There’s an arcade a mile or so from our house...
As this year begins, I’ve been making myself write down a few reminders in my planner each week. One of them is a simple but powerful...
If we left our homes today with feet firmly planted on the strong foundation of our belovedness, how would that change how we show up for...
“I have the tendency to focus on challenges over graces. When a problem arises in my day, it can become the only thing about which I can...
Do the internal or external messages you receive ever have you questioning your belovedness? You know the ones. … the ones that you just can’t seem...
“One Sunday near the end of Mass, the priest said something that really stuck with me. Right before the final prayer, he paused thoughtfully and then...
Do you think you are doing summer “right”? Someone asked me the other day what cool stuff I’ve been up to this summer, and I admit…...
I feel like we are in the throws of a beautiful, yet emotionally complicated season… … a season of celebration coupled with a season of comparison…...
How do you show up in prayer? Sometimes I show up dressed to the nines, makeup on, heels on my feet, ready to impress. But… I...