Today I’m over at reflecting on today’s Gospel and “worthiness.”

This is my invitation today after reflecting on the Gospel where Jesus offers healing:
What would it be like to take worthiness out of the equation and simply bask in the attention of the one who loves us as we are, no matter what?
It inspired the prayer I offered today as well. If you need this prayer today, I hope it finds you.
Right now, there are people
whose needs are much more
significant than my own.
Right now, there are people
who have loved You more
deeply than I have lately.
So, I stand before you
uncertain if I should bring
my needs to your attention.
Am I really worthy of Your time?
Help me, Lord, to feel the truth
I already know,
somewhere deep inside.
That You love me,
and what’s more,
You cherish me.
Help me remember that
I am always welcome
to bring all of myself to you
and I will always be met
with a listening ear
and a warm embrace.