Daily Step – Are you patient enough for God’s time?
Are you a patient person? I am not. I won’t even try to pretend I am. I like things to begin and end on time.I also...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Are you a patient person? I am not. I won’t even try to pretend I am. I like things to begin and end on time.I also...
I do. All the time. Especially those concerning my boys. Every night before bed (well most nights anyway), I said a prayer with my boys and...
“Things take the time they take. Don’t worry.” Every time I read this line by Mary Oliver and I’m in the midst of something I can’t...
What do you do when you fail? Do you get frustrated? Do you give up? Or do you try again? I definitely get frustrated when I...
Do you like all aspects of you? Do you acknowledge each aspect, the struggle AND the beauty? What about the aspects of others? Those who experience life...
Do you know what your talents are? I guess that seems like a strange question, but honestly… I feel like I spent a lot of time searching...
I don’t know if you need this reminder today or not… but I thought someone might, so here it is: You are enough.Exactly as you are....
Do you ever try to fix things that can’t be fixed? Or maybe this is the better question… Do you ever try to fix things that...
Have you ever danced just because? In your bathroom alone while getting ready for the day? In your car on the way to somewhere seemingly protected...
Are you a public, let the tears flow when they flow kinda crier? Or are you a private, tense all your muscles to keep the tears...