Daily Step – Looks like we made it!
14 weeks. Today is the last day of school for my boys. My school finished up this week too. My twins are eager to show off...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
14 weeks. Today is the last day of school for my boys. My school finished up this week too. My twins are eager to show off...
Joy is not made to be a crumb. It’s odd to still feel a bit of anxiety and stress even now that the semester is ending...
He’s looking for some Christmas joy, can you direct him to some? My sons got these binoculars yesterday as a gift. I gave them the packages...
This morning I was trying desperately to listen to the Christmas music on the radio. Unfortunately, three little boys were playing with beyblades and making tons...
I was thinking today as I packed these lunches that I am beginning my 14th week of packing school lunches this school year. Isn’t that amazing?...
Today we light the pink candle and begin a week reflecting on joy. Where will you seek joy this week? Yesterday, the twins were tasked with...
It’s chip Friday y’all. If you haven’t followed my Instagram stories lately, you probably don’t have a clue what chip Friday is. That’s okay, I’ll enlighten...
How much are you loved, just as you are? As I put the boys to bed last night, I told each of them I loved them...
May the soft light of peace warm you today. Since this second week of Advent’s theme is peace, I’ve been trying to figure out ways I...
Glimmers of hope can seep into the darkness in so many small, beautiful ways. It may be that someone says an unexpected kind word that stops...