Daily Step – Do you have big, audacious dreams?
Do you have big, bold, audacious dreams? Do you share them with others? Yesterday, one of my twins was telling me “You know mom, people think...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Do you have big, bold, audacious dreams? Do you share them with others? Yesterday, one of my twins was telling me “You know mom, people think...
Yesterday, I spent some time setting up for a prayer service today focused on the Stations of the Cross and the situation in the Ukraine. Then,...
How often do we put our “judgy” voice on when talking or thinking about others’ actions? How often do we put our “judgy” voice on when...
Do you ever wonder if God judges the quality of your prayer? I’m a grade-oriented person, so sometimes I think grades on a whole bunch of...
I have the most ridiculous poem to share. Or at least, it feels ridiculous. Yesterday morning, as I was crossing an intersection on my way to...
I don’t know about you, but I could use a little mid-week motivation. I could use hearing “You’ve got this!” over and over again until it...
In my life, much like you I presume, I have had many big discernments to make. And with each one… I have always been surprised at...
Do you allow yourself to dream big? What about big…er? I had a wonderful conversation with a friend this weekend who said something that stuck with...
So, I tried poetry again. I thought I’d share in case this resonates with you or in case you are looking for a reason for your...
Are you in love with your life? Part of it or even all of it? Your work, your hobbies, your volunteering, your adulting… Do you wake...