Admittedly, I sat a lot yesterday.

I had all three boys home with me and so, admittedly, they sat a whole lot too. Though at one point they were all gathered around me working on educational websites on their iPads, it was a whole lot of sitting. Way more than this A-type, enneagram 1 personality has done in a long time.
But sometimes we just need to sit for awhile… sit before we can get up and move in the new reality. And that’s seriously okay.
All fantastic schedules aside.
Early in the evening, I was scrolling my phone for the 100th time and an alert popped up that my gym was live. They were just testing equipment and it was seriously silly but I jumped in to join their live video feed. And I wasn’t the only one.
Isn’t it stupid funny how we just miss people?
But, hey, each day I’ll sit less. And today, if my boys allow I’ll do the actual live stream Pure Barre Addison class at 8:30 AM. And we all will continue to adapt as slow or as quick as we need to.
This morning, this is my prayer by Mary Oliver – her insistence in so many of her poems that we live our life has even more profound meaning in our current reality.
“For years, every morning, I drank
from Blackwater Pond.
It was flavored with oak leaves and also, no doubt, the feet of ducks.
And always it assuaged me
from the dry bowl of the very far past.
What I want to say is
that the past is the past,
and the present is what your life is,
and you are capable
of choosing what that will be,
darling citizen.
So come to the pond,
or the river of your imagination,
or the harbor of your longing,
and put your lips to the world.
And live
your life.”
So, when you are ready… get up and start moving. And live your life – while washing your hands and social distancing and staying home – it can be possible, we can certainly figure this out… If we are patient with ourselves and others.
Thank you Gretchen! Even though you posted it yesterday, it was just what I needed today!
Glad to hear it, Mary! Thanks for sharing!