Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

It’s #Christmas! And surprisingly my littles are giving us the gift of a few more minutes of peace as they sleep and my husband and I make breakfast.
In the rush of present opening and eating and celebrating together that is about to come, Christmas can seem to arrive and disappear so quickly… but the truth of Christmas – is that it never truly ends.
I found this beautiful prayer by #karlrahner on @xavieru ‘s prayer index this morning. And it carries with it the reminder that Christmas, Christ, is here to stay…
Now God says to us⠀
What He has already said to the earth as a whole⠀
Through His grace-filled birth:
I am there. I am with you.⠀
I am your life. I am your time.⠀
I am the gloom of your daily routine. Why will you not hear it?⠀
I weep your tears – pour yours out to me.⠀
I am your joy.⠀
Do not be afraid to be happy; ever since I wept, joy is the standard of living⠀
That is really more suitable than the anxiety and grief of those who have no hope.⠀
I am the blind alley of all your paths,⠀
For when you no longer know how to go any farther,⠀
Then you have reached me, ⠀
Though you are not aware of it.⠀
I am in your anxiety, for I have shared it.⠀
I am in the prison of your finiteness,⠀
For my love has made me your prisoner.⠀
I am in your death,⠀
For today I began to die with you, because I was born,⠀
And I have not let myself be spared any real part of this experience.⠀
I am present in your needs;⠀
I have suffered them and they are now transformed.⠀
I am there.⠀
I no longer go away from this world.⠀
Even if you do not see me now, I am there.⠀
My love is unconquerable.⠀
I am there.⠀
It is Christmas.⠀
Light the Candles! They have more right to exist then all the darkness.⠀
It is Christmas.⠀
Christmas that lasts forever.
Karl Rahner, S.J., “The Eternal Year”⠀
May God bless you and yours this Christmas Day!