Daily Step – There was a snake in my shower.
This lovely thing greeted me this morning when I opened the shower curtain. Luckily, I only was a little taken aback by its presence. It helped...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
This lovely thing greeted me this morning when I opened the shower curtain. Luckily, I only was a little taken aback by its presence. It helped...
“I’m grateful for food.” This has been my oldest son’s response the last few days when I say the “night night prayer” (basically the Guardian Angels...
I am grateful for hooded pjs from Target. It seems appropriate that this be a week where I start with gratitude each morning. That’s kind of...
This morning I found yellow slime on my kitchen floor. Just a little drop of it. Another drop was on the kitchen chair. Another a couple...
Man there was a lot of grumpiness to go around this morning! First, I was grumpy because my oldest forgot about some last minute homework he...
Some mornings be like…. So I admit, I’m still bribing my boys to behave in the mornings with the reward of a small piece of candy....
“These things stress me out!” I told my husband Saturday morning. I was talking about going to get flu shots. It’s such a minor thing, and...
Don’t give up on yourself because I will not give up on you. These words came out of my mouth after a somewhat emotional struggle with...
I had that kind of night last night. You know the kind. Where you start off perfectly content and somehow end up spiraling down into wondering...
The last shall be first. I think people must get a kick out of watching me drop off or pick up my boys each day at...