The Feet a Mother Could Love
This past weekend I gathered my crew together for a 15 minute mini-session of family photos. Now, I am not one to have high expectations for...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
This past weekend I gathered my crew together for a 15 minute mini-session of family photos. Now, I am not one to have high expectations for...
This past January, I was at a conference in Miami, Fl. We took a bus one evening to dinner. I do NOT do buses well. And...
I was a guilt-stricken child. Whenever I did something wrong, it weighed on me so much so that I’d often confess before anyone even knew I...
As the fear of being late to a Friday night baseball game loomed in front of us, I frantically handed pieces of my son’s uniform to...
I passed a colleague the other day who was reviewing a retreat talk on the Prodigal Son. “Is it wrong,” I asked him, “that I just...
“Mom, we need a baby chicken in our lives.” These were the words coming from a very earnest six year old buckling up in the back...
As my son finished his math homework the other night, I heard him exclaim “I. AM. AMAZING!” punctuating every word. He came into the kitchen a...
This past week, we drove for eleven straight hours to get to Colorado for a brief vacation. When vacations start, especially with three littles, I am...
When I was a kid, I was a major fan of Saved by the Bell. CONFESSION: I might have even watched The College Years. There was...
As a couple of lone parents settled in to watch their children’s swim lesson through the glass and perhaps catch up on social media, I sat...