Daily Step – Do you need the grace of a second wind?
Yesterday started the season of Lent for many Christians around the world. In preparation for Lent, some students helped make wooden stations of the cross that...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Yesterday started the season of Lent for many Christians around the world. In preparation for Lent, some students helped make wooden stations of the cross that...
Yesterday afternoon in the car, my oldest and I were having a conversation about waking up in the morning. “Mom, I have so much trouble waking...
How do you pray? I looked at today’s Gospel reading this morning and it’s the one where Jesus is teaching his disciples to pray (the Our...
I am moving slowly into today. Quietly. I’m not sure if it’s because I feel if I move too fast and enter this day with too...
Hey Google: Is the desert cold? That was the question I typed in this morning as I read through today’s Gospel about Jesus in the desert...
Today begins the season of Lent. To be honest, I’ve kind of lost all concept of time this week. We’ve been home with only a couple...
I did not sleep well last night. I had a bunch of weird nightmares that kept waking me up with a start. And then when I...
Who needs you to stand at the foot of their cross today? This week, I’m over @loyolapress’s #dotmagis blog talking about my twins night terrors and...
I made 8 masks yesterday and not a one is even close to perfect. The seams are all jagged. The pleats are uneven. I had to...
The room was dark except for a lone candle lit at the front. Next to the candle was a basket and in the basket was a...