Daily Step – The Importance of Story
Stories form us. We are deep in the weeds of the learning to read years. The years where a parent tries desperately to move a child...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Stories form us. We are deep in the weeds of the learning to read years. The years where a parent tries desperately to move a child...
The small, daily steps do matter. Ever since January began, I have shared the small steps of guest writers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are more...
As we begin a new year, I invited guests to reflect on what their #dailystep #towardthegreater would be for 2020. Today’s post is from Kathy Swaar....
“Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your lifespan?” It is time for my sons’ annual wellness visit – the time to...
As we begin a new year, I invited guests to reflect on what their #dailystep #towardthegreater would be for 2020. Today’s post is from @jenny_gehman. I...
Last night, I took a second to pause and notice the sky. “Mommy, why are you taking a picture of the sky?” All three curious little...
It can be so humbling to ask for help. I’ve had many opportunities this week to reach out of my comfort zone and ask for help....
As we begin a new year, I invited guests to reflect on what their #dailystep #towardthegreater would be for 2020. Today’s post is from @livinginthemidst, Anne...
Do you remember the last time you were astonished by something as simple as a digital watch? I was very last minute buying gifts for my...
As we begin a new year, I invited guests to reflect on what their #dailystep #towardthegreater would be for 2020. Today’s post is from @faithraider. I...