Daily Step – Imagining journeys still to be ours
Rain is not my favorite weather condition. And the forecast calls for rain all week long. Yippee! Yesterday, I stopped at target for a couple items...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Rain is not my favorite weather condition. And the forecast calls for rain all week long. Yippee! Yesterday, I stopped at target for a couple items...
I used to have a treasure box of pencils when I was young. I have no idea why pencils were so important to me, but they...
I need to listen with more than just my ears. I was listening to @Gretchenrubin Happier podcast earlier this week, and she mentioned that one of...
I often try to avoid giving into tears. What about you? Today, my colleagues and I are engaging in a day of reflection on the third...
I am prone to impatience and self-criticism. Anyone else? It’s a character flaw, really. This impatience with myself with the slowness of my growth and this...
Mondays can be full of surprises. Like the 1:00 AM surprise of an alarm loudly shouting “Beep. Beep. Evacuate. Evacuate” in your son’s room sending him...
Do not worry about the language you use. Three boys, three types of cereal. I know that perhaps I should adopt the “we open one box...
I sometimes want to run away from difficult conversations. Especially those conversations where my children are looking at me with their inquisitive brown eyes and waiting...
We are for a day, marked. We are for a day, visibly human. I recently wrote an article for @bustedhalo about Ash Wednesday. As we begin...
I can be super self-critical. I mean I’ve found half a dozen things I’d like to alter in this photo alone. Am I alone in this?...