Daily Step – We are called to care about all of it.
Yesterday morning, I taught an RCIA class on Catholic Social Teaching. During the class, after showing the list of the seven tenets of CST, I felt...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Yesterday morning, I taught an RCIA class on Catholic Social Teaching. During the class, after showing the list of the seven tenets of CST, I felt...
“For God so loved the world…” Yesterday, as I was reading my oldest son a Ronald Dahl book, he stopped me to say he would easily...
Celebrate! It’s Chip Friday, y’all! I can’t explain it but there is a sense of peace in me today. Perhaps it’s because today is the last...
“To become more widely human…” This is a line from a prayer by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. I was reminded of this prayer yesterday when I...
I was cleaning up my messy office this morning when I found this card. An Ignatian colleague and friend sent it to me along with a...
I didn’t realize how much breath I was holding in. On Friday afternoon, I got my first vaccine shot. I might have started reloading CVS the...
I don’t know who needs to hear this today but… you are cherished. I think I needed to hear that today, and maybe God even knew...
“But that’s MY spot!” Yesterday, as I pulled into the parking lot, a man pulled right in front of me and took the spot I usually...
“Did God make germs?” This was a question my boys have had a lot as of late, and it came up again in the car this...
How do you wake up in the morning? Every morning after I get myself situated for the day, I go to wake up my boys. They...