Daily Step – Poor couch cover…
Today is dress as your favorite saint day at school. My boys asked me to just pick for them. So, on Tuesday I excitedly told the...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Today is dress as your favorite saint day at school. My boys asked me to just pick for them. So, on Tuesday I excitedly told the...
Assume good will. Does anyone else have trouble with this? It’s something that St. Ignatius asked those leading others in retreats – Assume good will of...
Take my hand, it’ll keep you warm. It’s freezing today. It’s been raining for three days in DFW and the temperature has hovered around 40 degrees....
When I picked up the twins yesterday, one was soooo eager to tell on the other. “Mommy, my brother did something bad today…” I stopped him...
Is the image we seek ours or God’s? Every year when we do family photos, I struggle with the internal desire to get just one good...
Today’s Gospel is the one where we are told the greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves. I always thought that commandment would be...
Ever reach the end of a week and think – what exactly did I accomplish this week? What, if any, finished product did I produce? I...
I’ve learned in my decade of home ownership that homes are always works in progress. Seems like once you fix or upgrade something, something else breaks...
Which way do you lean when you feel like you are going to fall? This weekend we started the process of teaching our boys to ride...
Do you ever wish you could literally travel back and fix something? This weekend one of my sons stepped on the dog, or at least he...