How often do you unplug?
And when you do, how guilty do you feel?

Me? Oh so VERY guilty. Even when I can’t control when the unplugging will happen!
There is always more I could be doing if I stay plugged in.
Always more I can try and organize.
Always more I can try and check off my list.
Always just one more errand to run.
I don’t like to sit still.
My body fights against it actually.
But sometimes, despite my best efforts, I get knocked down and forced to rest.
This is the first time in a long time I’ve been sick, and like it or not, it means I have to rest.
And oh man do I not want to rest anymore!
But, as Anne Lamott wrote, sometimes it’s necessary to unplug in order that you can work better.
(Though Lord, it’s been a few days, I’m kinda done unplugging over here!)
Here’s the thing though – how many of us wait to unplug until we are knocked down and forced to?
How many of us wait to unplug until we have no choice but to do so?
Can you imagine how much better it would be if you routinely found ways to unplug instead?
So today, please try and find a moment of rest. A moment to unplug so that all may reset in you and start working better again.