We have to park in front of our house for the next few weeks due to some alley work.
We started doing so Sunday night.

It’s amazing how locked into routine I become. Because of course Monday morning, I headed towards the garage with book bags and water bottles only to be greeted with – no car.
I grumbled a bit, turned around and walked to the front of the house instead.
Then I grumbled some more because it was dark outside.
Then I grumbled some more because I forgot half the stuff we needed inside and had to make several trips.
Then I grumbled because I forgot to park the car going the direction I needed to go and had to drive around the whole neighborhood to get out.
When we were finally on the way to school, I grumbled one more time about stupid alley way construction that upsets my routine.
That was Monday.
Now that it’s Friday, I have to say that I’m still a bit grumbly… but I also noticed a few things I hadn’t before.
I noticed that the street is quite peaceful early in the morning while houses are still fast asleep.
I noticed there are early morning risers just like me, people who walking by exercising in the early morning light.
I noticed that my husband had been watering my plants on the front porch.
I noticed our lawn was green and thick and full of life.
I noticed that the sound of noisy kids in the morning is much louder across the yard than it is cooped up in the garage (sorry neighbors).
I realized when I stopped grumbling, there was so much more I could notice about this place I am blessed to call home.
As you head into the weekend, what can you pause and notice today?