As we begin a new year, I invited guests to reflect on what their #dailystep #towardthegreater would be for 2020. Today’s post is from @noelle_faithsetfree. I love learning about her travels and intentional simplicity. She was also the first episode of my friend @christiannesquires Bear the Light Podcast. A great podcast to check out if you have not yet! Here is her step:

“I love how the New Year invites reflection. Years ago, I made big resolutions that I never kept. Now, as December winds down, I think about my hopes for the coming year. This year, I was surprised to find the word “healthy” coming up. I instantly rejected it – worried I was being drawn into a fad diet that would drop twenty pounds by February and regain it all by March.
I soon realized I was being invited into a year focused on health for all; me, the planet, my family and friends. Not just physical health (although that matters too) but also spiritual and mental health. My sort of invitation into #towardthegreater. But what to do with such a vast word?
To make this part of my daily steps I am utilizing a practice I started last year when trying to get my business up and running. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I gave myself permission to do just one thing each day that brought me closer to my goals. It could be big, or it could be small. The size of the activity didn’t matter – the moving forward each day was what counted.
So, healthy is moving into the New Year. And, I am giving myself permission to do that with space. It might be a simple prayer for the planet, or it might be that new diet. What matters is the daily steps forward – somedays big, somedays small.”
-Noelle Rollins, @noelle_faithsetfree
[BIO: When she is not out on the road, Noelle lives in the desert of Southern California with a beloved husband and two adorable Newfies. She dreams of living a life full of meaning and substance – and inspiring others to do the same. She is a writer, traveler, free spirit, creative wonderer and passionate faith explorer. You can find more of her work at or @noelle_faithsetfree.]