Do you remember the last time you were astonished by something as simple as a digital watch?

I was very last minute buying gifts for my sons’ birthdays this week. After all, they just had Christmas during which they got all they asked for! But I had a last minute strong desire to buy my oldest son a watch. I thought it seemed like a cool gift for a seven year old. So, I ran around looking for watches everywhere- but all the kids watches I could find were smart watches or fitness step counters. I couldn’t believe how hard it was to find a simple digital watch. Just when I was about to give up, I found a small adult watch in the jewelry section of Walmart. It would do.
Ever since he’s put this watch on his tiny wrist, his face has been glued to the time. In our morning walks from my school to his, he announces every changing minute as we go. This morning I told him he was sure to run into something unless he looked up, but he said “Don’t worry, mom. I know the way.”
A small, digital watch with no bells or whistles left him astonished.⠀
Today I’m taking another lesson from a 7 year old and from Mary Oliver:
“My work is loving the world…
Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?
Am I no longer young, and still half-perfect? Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.”
What will astonish you today? Will you let it?