Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.
This year my word is grace.
When this word stuck out to me as a word to guide my year, I thought about how Ignatian Spirituality invites you to pray for a grace each time you pray – asking God for what you need. I also thought about how the end of St Ignatius’s Suscipe Prayer says “Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me.”
I didn’t think about someone who is most often associated with the word #grace – Mary the #MotherofGod. After all, it’s in the first line of the prayer we most associate with her – “Hail Mary, Full of Grace.”
I often forget about Mary. Today, as we start 2020, the church reminds me of Mary as we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. And so I wonder today, what would it look like to start my year with Mary.
I wrote about this recently for @bustedhalo. In the article, these were the three things I thought I could learn from Mary this year:⠀
– Capture the small moments⠀
– Grow in understanding ⠀
– Say yes
Check out the entire article and consider joining me in this year of grace… reminding ourselves that if we are reaching ever closer to the person God is calling us to be… God will give us all the #grace we need.
Happy New Year!