Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

It is the last day of #advent and the #christmas celebrations are beginning. One of those for my little family is wearing matching pjs.⠀
Last night, we wrestled three super wiggly children through bath time telling them that “special pjs” awaited on their beds. They ran down the hall in such a twisty, turny way that I heard at least one trip over his feet and sail into the room towards the bed. He recovered and they all got dressed in their new matching Charlie Brown pjs.
And my husband and I got dressed in ours as well. As I came down the hall towards them, one of the twins paused to look at me and smiled big. He came up and snuggled into my flannel pjs saying “You look just like me!”
I know as they grow their excitement for this tradition will ebb and flow – but I treasured this hug, this moment in time.
This last short week of #advent was on #love. As we end it today, I want to remind all of you that you are loved by #God no matter what. Take a moment today to do as #jesuit #anthonydemello writes and “behold the one beholding you and smiling.”
This #prayer I wrote for my last #advent guide – “Lord, I desire nothing more than to feel how much you love me. Sometimes, however, I forget that Your love is unconditional. Grant me the grace to know that the love you have for me can not be earned or lost. Then help me to love others that way. Amen.”
How can you pause to feel God’s love for you today?
Happy end of #advent – He is almost here!