Daily Step – Three Goals to Realize Pedro Arrupe’s Vision
“One Sunday near the end of Mass, the priest said something that really stuck with me. Right before the final prayer, he paused thoughtfully and then...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
“One Sunday near the end of Mass, the priest said something that really stuck with me. Right before the final prayer, he paused thoughtfully and then...
Do you think you are doing summer “right”? Someone asked me the other day what cool stuff I’ve been up to this summer, and I admit…...
I feel like we are in the throws of a beautiful, yet emotionally complicated season… … a season of celebration coupled with a season of comparison…...
How do you show up in prayer? Sometimes I show up dressed to the nines, makeup on, heels on my feet, ready to impress. But… I...
Over the Easter break I started a podcast called Loved As You Are – An Ignatian Podcast. I’m 6 episodes in, and I’m looking forward to...
My “Sunday Scaries” don’t actually seem to be connected to Sunday at all. Instead, my fears seem to arise immediately after I’ve jumped right into something...
Over spring break, I was given the gift of attending the Jesuits of the U.S. Central and Southern Province’s second annual women’s retreat. This retreat was...
He is Risen. The witness of Mary Magdalene at the tomb in today’s reading reminds me that Jesus not only loved us enough to die for...
So, I did a thing. I’ve been contemplating making a podcast for a couple years now… I think 4 years in total actually. I always hesitated...
Have you ever had one of those moments when you felt God come close? When you felt that it was God’s voice instead of your own...