Daily Step – May God give you the grace to try.
Today I finished my 200th day in a row doing barre classes. There is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says “You must do the things...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
Today I finished my 200th day in a row doing barre classes. There is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says “You must do the things...
How do you tell people they are all walking around shining like the sun? Yesterday these two were at each other’s throats heading into school. And...
Some mornings be like…. So I admit, I’m still bribing my boys to behave in the mornings with the reward of a small piece of candy....
“These things stress me out!” I told my husband Saturday morning. I was talking about going to get flu shots. It’s such a minor thing, and...
Don’t give up on yourself because I will not give up on you. These words came out of my mouth after a somewhat emotional struggle with...
I had that kind of night last night. You know the kind. Where you start off perfectly content and somehow end up spiraling down into wondering...
What does the day look like when your morning doesn’t go as planned? I woke up as planned at the first buzzing of my alarm. Got...
Last night I had the weirdest dream. Usually, I don’t remember my dreams, but I woke up right in the middle of this one and so...
Every week I’m part of an Examen group that invites us to think about our intentions for the week. This week, I mentioned my intentions followed...
Show upWith humilityRepresenting truth These sticky notes of mine keep building, huh? But I have one caveat on the third one. Representing truth. Yes, 100%. But...