Happy New Year!
Today I’m over at Ignatian Ministries Into the Deep blog writing about Psalm 23 and my 2024 word(s) of the year.
Here’s an excerpt:
“That night at mass I tangibly felt God showing up for me. I raised my hand, said yes, and then took the long walk up the side aisle myself. But when I prayed my last minute desperate prayer for God to join God’s voice with mine, I wholeheartedly believe God did exactly that. Because in the end, I did not miss a note.
Each year in December, I choose a word (or it chooses me) to guide me through the upcoming year. It was a practice I started six years ago on the encouragement of a woman who always found her chosen words to be a tangible sign of grace from God. After ending last year in an unexpectedly debilitating way, my word for the year was hope. I chose hope because I never needed it more. This year, however, I believe my word chose me.”

Hop on over to the blog to read the rest. Maybe it’ll help you come up with your own word(s) for 2024!
Once you are there consider subscribing to Into the Deep and enjoy weekly reflections from a host of great Ignatian writers!
And just for fun… go here to see a look back at hope, my word of 2023.
Here’s to a bold new year ahead!