Today I’m over at talking about what I am focusing on this Advent.

“I know that often we spend time during a season like Advent focusing outward, and that is valuable and important. But imagine the difference it would make if we did the work to love ourselves a little more like God loves us.”
Would it change everything?
Hop on over to to read the rest. In the meantime, here is the prayer I offered at the end of my reflection.
If you need it today, I hope it finds you.
Dear God,
Somewhere deep inside
I know You love me as I am, no matter what,
and I know You solidified that love for me
the moment your Son was born
and shed his first tears upon this earth.
But still, I struggle to truly accept it.
I struggle to truly feel it.
I think that’s why I sometimes
don’t love others as well as I should.
I think that’s why I sometimes
don’t love myself as well as I should.
Grant me the faith to see
the birth of your Son this Christmas
as a clear sign of a love that exists
for all of us and each of us in turn.
Help me feel how You cherish me,
and let it become as natural to me
as breathing has always been.
Then let this love embolden me
to do great and marvelous things,
including loving others well.