It’s not often that I reflect on and write about the daily Gospel. Today, however, I ended up with two posts in two different places on today’s Gospel: the parable of the woman and her two coins.
Writing is how I pray. When I start writing, I do not always know what is going to come out on the page in the end – what insights God wants to give me, what parts of myself God wants me to share with others.
This morning as I reread these two pieces I wrote weeks ago, I realized I needed the reminders they offered right now in this very moment.
Maybe you need them too?
Today at I wrote about the fears of going all in and giving my last two coins. I also offered this prayer:

Today at Into The Deep, I wrote about the graces that came last time I took the risk and went all in on community.
I hope these find you if you need the courage this morning to go all in yourself!