What brings you joy?

We all have an answer to this question.
Our answers are as unique and individual as we are but we all have one. There is something (or things) that bring each of us joy.
So what’s your answer?
I’ll start by telling you mine.
The answer I’ve settled on for myself (at least for now bc we all know what brings us joy ebbs and flows) is:
Creative Challenges
That’s what brings me joy.
I love to be creative for sure. Whether it’s writing, making videos, designing printed pamphlets, posting on social media, drawing, or creating an event – I love using my imagination and creativity.
But I really love creative challenges – trying or designing something new and trying to figure out the best approach for doing it. I also love exploring something (like spirituality) looking for new insights and discovering ways to share those insights with others.
It’s true that creative challenges often bring failure, missteps, sometimes much wasted time as many longer routes are explored before I discover shorter ones.
But there is such a tangible joy I feel not only in the finished product but the journey towards it.
Have you thought of your answer yet?
I ask because finding and holding onto the things that bring us joy brings us light and life and purpose and energy and determination and spirit. It gets us up in the morning determined not only to believe in hope but to BE hope.
May the grace of God awaken our minds and hearts to our deepest desires and our greatest joy. Then may that same grace get us up and moving to grab hold of it today and every day ahead.