I don’t know about you, but I could use a little mid-week motivation.
I could use hearing “You’ve got this!” over and over again until it sinks in.
Even if I’m not quite sure what “this” is.
What about you?
But what if no one is saying it?
Can I be my own cheerleader?
Can you?
Why is it so easy to say these three words to others yet so hard to say them to ourselves?
Here’s a poem I scribbled down last night when I realized these three little words might hold some power for me today… and maybe for you as well…

“You’ve got this!”
my slightly,
very slightly
young mommy
voice uttered
as I watched
my boy
push himself up
and crawl.
And he did.
Of course he did.
“You’ve got this!”
my slightly,
very slightly
more mature mommy
voice uttered
as I watched
my boy
pull himself up
and stand.
And he did.
Of course he did.
“You’ve got this!”
my slightly,
very slightly
worn-out mommy
voice uttered
as I watched
my boy finally
squeak out
his first word.
And he did.
Of course he did.
who could fail
with that
large, LOUD,
slightly obnoxious
cheering section
by his side.
Why is it
so easy to cheer
when those
three little words
are directed
Why is it
so hard instead
to clap
and shout
and CHEER loudly
(so VERY loudly)
when these
three little words
are meant
for me instead?
Is it
I don’t believe
in their power?
But it’s true,
isn’t it?
… as true
as it was
each time
for him…
And so do you.
So repeat
after me
not just slightly,
very slightly…
But FULL ON instead…
Now crawl
until you stand.
Then stay standing
until you can speak.
Because the
world needs
ALL of you.
©2022, Gretchen Crowder