Daily Step – Do you ever feel like you are in need of repair?


Do you ever feel like you are in need of repair?

That there is some part of you that is broken?

How often do your prayers and earnest pleas to God include the words: “Fix me. Please”?

Maybe more often than you realize.

And when you bow your head to pray these words, what is God’s response?

I ask these questions for you as much as for myself. After all, I can’t count how many times I’ve prayed for the grace to be “fixed.” I can’t count how many times I’ve seen cracks in myself and believed that they were pieces that needed to be worked on, polished, and made new.

Well, not even really made new… just made better… made more perfect… or, honestly, just taken away completely.

But what if, cracks and all, I am already perfect?

What if where I see cracks and brokenness and things to be repaired, God sees only what is good? Only what is worthy? Only what is already, quite perfectly me?

I imagine sometimes when the words leave my lips: “Fix me, God”, how God responds.

In my clearer moments, I believe God simply says: “Oh how I wish you could see yourself as I see you.”

Already found.

Already loved.

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