Do you consider yourself a creative person?
Creativity, I have learned, comes in a lot of forms. If we are able to move beyond the containers of “artist” and “writer” when we think about creativity, maybe we will see that it’s a gift we all have been given in some form or another.

So, do you consider yourself a creative person?
I think you are.
After all, creativity is simply the use of our imagination.
It’s the use of our originality.
It’s the desire that wells up in us to make something… beautiful.
When we create and share what we create, we offer a piece of ourselves to others. We give people a glimpse into another perspective, another way of looking at the world… even another way of understanding God.
When we create and share what we create, we honor the work God put into creating us.
The world is more beautiful, more reflective of God, when we use our creativity and make room for others to do the same.
Yesterday in the car, my newly minted budding artist said: “Mom, I don’t think I need to learn anything more about art because… well, people who’ve see my stuff say I’m pretty good.” (And apparently oh so humble these days).
“I love your art, kiddo, but there is always more you can learn.”
“Like what?” he said.
“Like about all the different ways you can express your creativity… There are so many unique ways to create. But also, seeing and learning and admiring how others create can only help your gift grow stronger.”
I know that I have something creative inside of me.
That I have something beautiful to share.
But my creativity grows every time I see you share yours.
My awareness of God’s presence does too.
So, do you consider yourself a creative person?
I hope you answer with a resounding yes.