The year’s last, loveliest smile.

Man I love the Fall.
I love the changing of the leaves and the lowering temperatures. I love football season and pumpkin season (though unpopular opinion- I don’t like to eat or drink anything with pumpkin in the name!)
I love fall sweaters and jackets and the various shades of orange and red present in clothes and decorations and nature.
I love the crunch of leaves and acorns under my feet.
But most of all, I love how the scent of Autumn in the air can bring a smile to almost any face.
Today the temp falls to 80 in North Texas and hovers there for the next week. I know my Northern friends chuckle a little when they hear the Texas excitement over 80 degrees, but a few short weeks ago it was over 100! This is sweater weather, people! Break out the jeans and booties!
The North Texas trees get it too. They feel the drop in temperature and are responding by starting their spectacular show of color. It’s wonderful and I am here for it.
I never considered that Fall, in all it’s beautiful shades, could be nature’s way of smiling back at us once more before the year comes to a close.
This quote reminds me that nature and humanity are intimately linked. This morning, I am considering that creation is sharing in the celebration of Fall alongside of me… and it is very lovely indeed.