Here comes the sun.
I used this song by the Beatles in a retreat talk many years ago.

During the talk, I spoke about the moment I first learned about my son’s hearing loss. I confessed to the students listening that the moment was overwhelming, but that it also would become like a ray of sunlight in our lives.
I didn’t feel the ray of sunlight in the moment though. It came much later when I reflected back on learning the news. It came when I realized all that happened so quickly afterward – his hearing aids, speech therapy changes now tailored to the loss, understanding educators, a new way of looking at life.
Reflecting on that moment on retreat and talking and writing about it ever since helped me find the sun I didn’t realize was there at the time.
Last year was difficult for many reasons. Some I share in common with everyone, some are my family’s alone. Even now, as we are still in the midst of everything as a global community, it can be hard sometimes to find the rays of sunlight.
But they are there.
Here’s one ray I’ll share with you. Next week, my son starts a new school tailored to the learning differences we identified long after the hearing loss diagnosis.
In the midst of last year, I couldn’t see the ray of light this change would be. I couldn’t see the ray of light more diagnoses would offer. We struggled together a lot… and the struggle was all I could see.
Even though we aren’t there yet… we haven’t walked in the doors and started the year, I can see the ray of light peaking through.
Truth was, it was there all along.
And I just want to capture it.
And remember it.
I want you to remember it too.
The next time it feels so dark that no light can touch it…
It can.
The light is always there.
Here comes the sun.