“We are the Divine Artist’s works-in-progress.”

The above is from my latest post for the Into the Deep blog that came out yesterday. If you haven’t tuned into this blog, it’s a blog of Women writers steeped in Ignatian Spirituality sharing their perspectives on life and faith and so much more. It’s housed over at BeckyEldredge.com (@beldredge98).
I have been fascinated with all things art since I picked up my procreate iPad art habit back in January. It has inspired a few of my latest writings including this one for Into the Deep.
The article is about the incredible gift of being unfinished. Here’s an excerpt:
“To me, at least, it is the process that matters most to the significance of a work of art. The months of toil and sweat and paint droplets that have formed each and every creation. The whole story lies in layers upon layers of paint and turpentine. It is not often you get to see a work so clearly forever stuck “in progress” like DaVinci’s work. It’s not often you get to witness the middle of the story… at least not on a canvas.
We can, however, be witnesses of works in progress every day if we are looking for them. There is one, in fact, that stares back at us in the mirror every time we rise out of bed and wash our face and examine the lines that life has left. We, individually and collectively, are the Spirit, the Divine artist’s, work in progress. Everyday we live and move and breathe and interact with others, the Artist is shaping and sculpting us.”
It’s been a rough few weeks for many people I care about. It seems like life never fails to throw some pretty awful punches. Maybe life has thrown one at you lately. Maybe the punch is missing you but hitting someone you love. Either way, I find it helpful to remember that we are unfinished.
Our stories are not over.
The Artist still has so much good work to do.
(Link to full article here)