It’s gonna be a lovely day.

This song by Demi Lovato has been in my head for almost a week now. Somewhere in the midst of each day, it finds me again and I start walking down the hall to the rhythm of it. A couple times I’ve failed to catch myself starting to mouth the words along with the rhythm of my feet – but luckily no one can see it under the mask!
This morning, I was caught off guard when the song popped into my head as I was packing lunches and unloading the dishwasher. After all, it’s a Monday. I hate Mondays. So why is my brain making my limbs move to the beat of a song that claims this day will be something beautiful. Something lovely. My over-analyzing, type A, enneagram 1 brain wants proof that if I accept this declaration of a lovely day ahead, I won’t be too distracted to see the challenges arrive before they do.
Still, even though I try and shoo it away, the song and it’s catchy tune continues to knock at my heart and say “Just believe it’s possible. Today, a Monday, can be a lovely day no matter what may be.”
This internal dialogue this morning over this song has me coming back once again to my 2021 word “perspective.” What would it be like to just give into the words “It’s gonna be a lovely day” and let them settle with no expectations into every piece of me.
My prayer this morning is for you and me to have a lovely day. Let us remember that, no matter what, our days are always full of love because God is continually loving us into existence. Let us have the grace to own the loveliness of this day even before it proves itself to us. And let us spread that loveliness to all we meet.