Daily Step – This is 40!


I snapped this photo yesterday randomly.

I was trying to just capture a quick image of my boys playing nicely. After all, they had just argued over who would get to my office first loudly down three hallways.

As I lifted up my phone to capture a peaceful image, one of my twins jumped into this pose. I swear he is theatre bound one day!

I was surprised to find an unexpected moment of joy and promise and hope staring back at me from my phone.

The rest of my day, I kept coming back to this image. It was so full of life. It was so full of energy. It was the capture of a child saying “Look at me, world! I’m ready for you!”

Today I turn 40 in the middle of a global pandemic. My celebration will be the fact that I get to spend that day at school with students and faculty all wearing their masks and washing their hands and working hard to make this year a reality.

And that’s okay with me.

Because I get to live this life alongside my three little goofballs that remind me that it’s possible to live your best life, your fullest life in all sorts of circumstances.

So my prayer this morning is that we all catch a glimpse of joy and hope and promise in the people that surround us. May that be our surprise today – that in the midst of turmoil, anxiety, and uncertainty, God is still there popping up to help you live your best life.

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