Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

Do I really believe that nothing is impossible for God?
Last night, I piled on the counter a bunch of random things from my fridge that needed to be used. Usually, I hesitate to make up a recipe fearing I’ll have to throw it all away in the end because I messed up the flavor (have you ever seen Friends when Rachel messes up the dessert?) But I guess I was feeling extra brave last night. I threw in a bunch of stuff in the instapot, made up a seemingly reasonable time for it to be pressure cooked and pressed start.
Before all that, as I was chopping vegetables, the old children’s story “Stone Soup” came flooding back to me. If you haven’t read the story, essentially (if my memory is correct) a village thinks it has nothing to eat. One person says they have a great recipe for stone soup. He puts a large stone into a pot of boiling water, and then keeps saying to one person after another “I think it just needs this to be perfect.” Eventually, each member of the village has shared what little they had and a delicious soup is formed.
What a great story to consider this #advent week on #joy – a story of #trust, #community, and cooperation in joy.
What would it look like if I trusted that God could make anything happen? What would I ask for? And who would God send to help me create the most delicious soup of my life?
This #prayer today is one I wrote for my #Advent guide for week 3. As we wrap up this week on #joy, it is my prayer for all of you.
Lord, in my heart, I desire to know and be the person you created me to be. I desire to be joyful about the world you created and my part in it. Help direct my heart towards the deepest desires you placed there, the things that will bring me joy. And help me spread that joy to others. Amen
Where can you trust in joy today?