Along the journey towards the greater, there are many small, daily steps to better understand oneself, God, and others. This is one of my “daily steps”.

“We will never win the Olympics of humanity.”⠀
I came across these words from #JeanVanier in a book recently, and I’ve found them repeating in my head a lot this week. Sometimes (ok often) I can fall victim to my own high standards, other people’s expectations, and doubts on “am I doing this all wrong?” ⠀
#StIgnatius says that we should assume good will of the other – believing that God is active and alive in the heart of another. Perhaps his assumption of good will should extend to ourselves as well. ⠀
Today, my prayer for you and for me is that we may assume good will of ourselves and give ourselves a little break today… your way of proceeding for your life and your family and my way of proceeding for mine… God is there in all of it. So, today, let us support each other in the journey…⠀
Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche community, once said: “We will never win the Olympics of humanity, racing for perfection, but we can walk together in hope, celebrating that we are loved in our brokenness: helping each other, growing in trust, living in thanksgiving, learning to forgive, opening up to others and welcoming them, and striving to bring peace and hope to the world.”⠀
May you have peace and hope this #friday.⠀