Daily Step – What grace do you seek today?
“Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage.” …but...
Ad Majorem – "Toward the Greater"
“Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage.” …but...
“Don’t let yourself lose me.Nearby is the country they call life.You will know it by its seriousness.aGive me your hand..” This poem by Rainer Maria Rilke...
14 weeks. Today is the last day of school for my boys. My school finished up this week too. My twins are eager to show off...
There is great courage in saying yes. Over the last couple days of my seminars in Phoenix, discussions on Mary and her courageous yes have come...
Sometimes TVs get broken – and the grace I need is patience with the culprits. Yesterday, we were enjoying not doing anything. At one point, the...
A little over three years ago, I walked into a Pure Barre uncertain as what to expect. I had never gone to an exercise place like...
I remember the distinct feeling of walking up the stairs to the third floor and over to my Physics professor’s office. I was coming to meet...