Daily Step – Auditing My Phone Use for Lent


How do I seek balance and still access the benefits of my phone? 
How do I protect my mental health while still being an active participant in the world?

Today I’m over at Ignatian Spirituality reflecting on some ways I am trying to audit my phone use this Lent. This desire to do something different with my phone came from a random conversation with a student during a recent Kairos retreat. For over a decade, we’ve been inviting students to take a break from their phones during their senior retreat, and it seems every year more remark that the break was more beneficial than they realized. With the chaos of our world right now, I feel a strong desire to both take a break from continuous access and remain involved.

So, how can I do both?

Read about a few simple steps I’ve decided to take to audit my phone use during Lent here.

[Side Note: I wrote this before learning about the setting to turn your phone to gray scale… but honestly, I’m just not there yet! If you aren’t either, maybe the three things I propose will be a step forward for us both!]

What are you doing this Lent to both retain some balance and remain connected to the world?

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